

Bluebonnet used to be allowed to sleep in the bed with us. Then we went to a strict N0-Dog-On-The-Bed-Rule when we knew we were going to get a second dog. Suprisingly, Bluebonnet adapted to that very well. So I thought well, I'll just let her up on the bed when we watch tv together. Nope - big mistake. So we went back to never allowing either of them on the bed ever. Ever. It seemed to be working out until I had to have them up there with us one morning and now Bluebonnet is all about getting on the bed. But she's smart... she will jump on the bed and get in the corner and lay completely still, she even breaths softer.

It kind of looks like this:

She's like If I keep real still they will not see me. They don't see me. I'm so stealthy.

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