
Sleeping beauties

The girls are exhausted from taking care of daddy all day. He worked from home today because he is sick and the little nurses dutifully brought him TLC all day long.


the teacher's pets said...

Awww...Bluebonnet and Clementine are adorable when they are awake AND when they are asleep! So cute that they are facing each other in their dreams!

Dexter said...

Nursing duty can be tiring. I think there is room for me to snuggle in right between you. I'll be right over.


SissySees said...

Smooches on the nose to each, wanted or not. (Erm, both houndies. You can smoooooch the dad if you want, but not from me.)

Sue said...

They look like little angels sleeping like that.

Dianne said...

So precious!!!